Google Gemini AI Goes Global: Xiaomi Phones Next in Line

Xiaomi partners with Google to bring the powerful Gemini AI to its upcoming Xiaomi 15 flagship phones for the global market.

Xiaomi's New Flagship Phones to Feature Google's Gemini AI

Xiaomi's CEO, Lei Jun, recently announced a partnership with Google to integrate the Gemini language model into the company's flagship smartphones for the international market. However, access to this new feature won't solely depend on the phone's processor.

Xiaomi's New Flagship Phones to Feature Google's Gemini AI

The Xiaomi 15 series smartphones, specifically the global variants, are expected to be the first to receive support for these AI-powered features. Interestingly, it seems the Chinese versions of these phones will likely miss out. This is likely due to Xiaomi registering its own AI model, MiLM, with local regulators earlier this year. It's expected that devices within China will come equipped with this proprietary AI software instead.

According to the South China Morning Post, incorporating AI into their smartphones could give Xiaomi the boost it needs to regain momentum. The Chinese company currently holds the third position in global smartphone shipments, with a market share of 14.8%. IDC forecasts that global shipments of AI-enabled smartphones will skyrocket by 363.6% by the end of 2024 compared to 2023, reaching a staggering 234.2 million units.

Analysts also predict that Google Gemini-based services will see a significant surge in adoption across the Android smartphone landscape this year. Major players like Samsung and OPPO have already partnered with Google in the realm of AI.

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