Google Pixel Charging Bug: Phone Turns On Automatically

Pixel phones acting up? A new bug is causing devices to power on while charging, even if turned off. Learn more about the problem .

Google Pixel Phones Won't Stay Off When Charging? Dead Battery Might Be to Blame

Pixel phone users are reporting a strange issue: their phones turn back on while charging, even after being powered off. This problem, affecting various models like the Pixel 6, 7, and 8, seems to be linked to a dead battery.

Google Pixel Phones Won't Stay Off When Charging? Dead Battery Might Be to Blame

Here's the gist:

  • The Problem: Users report that their Pixel phones automatically power on when plugged in, even if they were shut down beforehand.
  • Possible Cause: A dead battery seems to be the common denominator, particularly when the phone completely shuts down due to 0% battery.
  • Troubleshooting Attempts: Disabling Adaptive Charging, using different cables and power sources, haven't resolved the issue for most.
  • Google's Response: A Google product expert acknowledged the issue and confirmed it's being investigated by the Pixel team.
  • What's Next: Google is gathering user data to identify the root cause and develop a fix.

Key Takeaways:

  • This issue appears to primarily affect Pixel phones with batteries that have completely drained.
  • While frustrating, the problem doesn't seem to indicate permanent damage.
  • Google is aware of the issue and actively working on a solution.

For affected users, it's recommended to provide feedback to Google with details about their device and experiences to assist in the investigation.

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