ASUS ROG Ally X vs Steam Deck: 2024 Handheld Showdown

ASUS' new ROG Ally X boasts superior performance to the Steam Deck, but comes at a premium price. See the benchmarks, battery tests, and decide .

New ASUS ROG Ally X Outperforms Steam Deck in Gaming Performance [VIDEO]

The YouTube channel ElAnalistaDeBits has released a comparison video showcasing the performance of two handheld gaming consoles: Valve's Steam Deck and ASUS's new ROG Ally X. The results indicate that ASUS is learning from past mistakes and stepping up its game.

New ASUS ROG Ally X Outperforms Steam Deck in Gaming Performance [VIDEO]

The new ROG Ally X outshines the Steam Deck in almost every aspect. It boasts a significantly faster boot time, clocking in at 15.2 seconds compared to the Steam Deck's 35 seconds. Game loading times are also quicker on the Ally X (24.3 seconds vs. 35 seconds), and its battery life reigns supreme at 2 hours and 46 minutes, dwarfing the Steam Deck's 1 hour and 22 minutes.

To illustrate the performance difference, here's a table comparing frame rates achieved by both devices on various demanding titles:

Game ROG Ally X (1080p, Low Settings) Steam Deck (780p, Low Settings)
Baldur’s Gate 3 43-55 FPS 36-42 FPS
GTA V 70-85 FPS 45-55 FPS
Elden Ring 45-60 FPS 38-48 FPS
Cyberpunk 2077 40-50 FPS 30-35 FPS
The Witcher 3 80-100 FPS 55-60 FPS

As you can see, the Ally X consistently delivers a smoother gameplay experience with higher frame rates.

However, this impressive performance comes at a cost. Released in 2024, the ASUS ROG Ally X is priced at $800. This positions it as a significantly more expensive option compared to the Steam Deck, which is available for $399-$549 depending on storage configuration and display type (LCD or OLED).

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