Half-Life 3 Hints? Actress's Resume Sparks Rumors of New Game

Is Half-Life 3 finally happening? An actress's resume mentioned "Project White Sands," a Valve game potentially linked to the Half-Life universe.

Is Valve working on a new Half-Life game? Fans hope for a third installment.

Gamers have a long-standing tradition: relentlessly searching for hints of upcoming releases of legendary titles. This time, rumors of Half-Life 3 are circulating once again, all thanks to a single resume.

Is Valve working on a new Half-Life game? Fans hope for a third installment.

Eagle-eyed players spotted a mention of "Project White Sands," a Valve game, on the resume of actress Natasha Chantal. This discovery instantly sent Half-Life fans into a frenzy. Why? "White Sands" is essentially the location of the Black Mesa Research Facility within the Half-Life universe. Shortly after the project's name surfaced, the actress removed it from her portfolio.

Is Valve working on a new Half-Life game? Fans hope for a third installment.

Valve has yet to comment on the situation, leaving fans to speculate. While some are holding out hope for a surprise Half-Life 3 announcement, others are more cautiously anticipating a sequel to Half-Life: Alyx. Of course, it's entirely possible that "Project White Sands" could be something else entirely.

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